ESG reporting - the key question for data collection

Why data collection and quality are essential for accurate ESG reporting ?

Having reliable data and a robust collection methodology are vital for the credibility of your ESG strategy.

Collecting quality data is the most important aspect of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting.

The number of data sources is generally much higher than in the financial reporting process.

The difference stems from ESG reporting which involves many different aspects, such as health and safety reports, fuel consumption, property management, waste management, etc.

Despite technological improvements in large organisations over the years, most organisations have multiple non-integrated operational systems from which these data are extracted, making the collection of ESG data very difficult.

Why quality controls are important ?

For ESG reporting to be fully effective, data collection and quality controls must be integrated and be as rigorous as for financial data. The external image of your organisation is at stake.

If your role is to approve your organisation’s ESG reports, make sure you have fully aligned your financial and ESG reports in a single, controlled process.

Ensure that the data collection method is of high quality and the best available. Avoid manual manipulation as much as possible, which is a frequent source of errors.

The ESG reporting process must be as rigorous as that applied to financial reporting and be easy to audit.

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